Moved on

January 10, 2012


My life has been crazy since I posted last. I’m on my way to growing up. One small step at a time… (alright this is pretty huge). As of January 1st my boyfriend and I took the plunge and moved in together. My stuff now resides at his house. His towels are now my towels. […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

What would you do if you didn’t do what you do now?

December 1, 2011


Have you ever wanted to go back in time and change that moment where you become set on what you wanted to be for the rest of your life? The first time I dabbled with becoming a writer was in the third grade. After turning in a short story my teacher rewarded me with … […]

Posted in: job hunt, Uncategorized

Baby Pazazz

November 15, 2011


I have been blessed in the sense that I’ve had a lot of friends produce children. Adorable children. Children who consume my heart before they even take their first breath in this world. With my heart instantly stolen I willingly adopt the role of “Aunt Jami.” My job is then to spoil these children rotten with […]

Posted in: Crafts/DIY projects

Leaving, On A Jet Plane

October 27, 2011


I apologize for neglecting this blog so much. I’ve been slacking … and I NEED you to keep me accountable. I promise I’m going to write more. I’ve just been tired. I’m always tired. Sometimes I lay awake at night and fantasize about stuffing a suitcase, grabbing my passport and catching the first flight out […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Why it’s in your best interest to hire me

September 27, 2011


Today after blows – gut-sucking-karate-kick-to-the-stomach blows – by three simultaneous job “rejection” e-mails, I could have very easily spent the rest of the day in a cloud of grey. Truthfully I almost did. Clicking out of each email, I had to remind myself it’s extremely unprofessional to cry at your desk. Blinking back tears I […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

What have you been doing?!?!?!?!

September 19, 2011


It seems like forever since the last time I’ve blogged—and well that’s because it has been! When did September get here? My jammed days are slipping rapidly away from me. So what have I been up to? Well, about a year ago my friend Kelsie agreed to marry her storybook prince charming, and asked me […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Post-graduation rut

July 26, 2011


The other day a big fat envelope came for me in the mail.  As I excitedly tore apart the flap with the signature Drake blue congratulatory message, I already knew what was inside: My college accomplishments. With a degree in each hand, I could feel the weight of the past four years. For a moment […]

Posted in: job hunt


July 13, 2011


Finding a job is hard. It’s degrading. It’s like dating all over again. Why don’t you want me? It’s my qualifications right?!?! I’ve been at my internship now for seven months and although I’m at a great company, I ache for the chance of security. I want benefits. I want a salary. I want to […]

Posted in: job hunt