
Growing up is a long journey full of life-altering turbulence and tickling bursts of stomach flutters. It’s a flight. There are moments of slow ascendant and moments of knuckle-gripping falls. But growing up we all hope for the same thing: Not to crash.

Currently I’m trying to do just that.

Recently I walked across a stage and grabbed a piece of paper. It was the final step of becoming the “head-captain” of my life. No more co-pilots. This grueling job search for the career you’ll love, well honey it’s all yours. You’re flying solo now. (Please don’t crash.)

That is…until you find the one. You know the one you’ll walk down the aisle and vow to share the cockpit and controls with for the rest of your life. The one you’ll trust with your depending passengers—your family. He better be an awesome co-pilot. (Please don’t crash.)

This blog will be my flight log. It’ll follow my journey of navigating through all of it…finding a job, starting a family (eventually, that’s not in the horizon just yet), and really just making it on my own. Piloting my way through the ups and the downs of becoming a grown up. Landing exactly where life was supposed to take me.

So sit back, fasten your seatbelt, and enjoy the flight. The final approach to immense happiness will happen momentarily.

2 Responses “About” →

  1. Debbie aka momma

    July 15, 2011

    cute theme, I like it.

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  1. It’s been awhile… « Perfectly Lonely

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